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Meet Dr Kareem Malek

Dr KareemDr Kareem Malek (Chiropractor) brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for helping patients unlock their body’s healing potential through chiropractic care at Wellness Chiropractic. Inspired by the concept of natural health, he felt the current healthcare model was not working. It only treated the symptoms, and often with harsh pharmaceuticals or invasive surgeries, and didn’t address the underlying cause. He was driven to help people get their lives back, naturally.

Finding Fulfillment in Helping Others Achieve Improved Health

Dr Malek began his career as an engineer but found he did not enjoy it. Meanwhile, he was also practicing martial arts, specifically kung fu. As part of the practice, they began learning about health, energy meridians, and chi. He found it interesting and wanted to learn more, and the experience opened his eyes to the possibilities of a new career path. Encouraged by the fulfilling career his wife had as a chiropractor, he began to study chiropractic. He attended Macquarie Uni, graduating with a bachelors and Master of Chiropractic in 2007.

Our Chiropractor’s Philosophy

The philosophy of Dr Malek is centered around the idea of “above-down and inside-out”, meaning your health comes from within, not from outside. Your nervous system is the control system for your body, including your immune system. If the nervous system is out of alignment, and the information cannot travel efficiently from your brain to the rest of your body, your immune system will be impacted. Think about it this way: every day, we encounter germs that could make us sick. However, we don’t get sick from these germs all the time. It’s only when our immune system is compromised that we come down with sickness. Chiropractic works to help the body’s systems work more efficiently and improves the ability of our body to heal itself.

In His Spare Time

As someone who lives and breathes chiropractic, it’s rare that Dr Malek has time for much else, but he’s dedicated to fitness and health and enjoys playing soccer. Though the practice keeps him busy, he enjoys travelling and collecting watches when time allows.

Contact Us Today for a Trusted Partner in Care

Whether you are a patient seeking care in Burwood or Turramurra, Dr Malek and his team will make your health their priority. Schedule a visit with our team today! divider

Dr Kareem Malek | (02) 9745 3638